Ad Limina Vol XIII
Titelbeschrijving zie Vol I
Ad Limina Vol XII
Titelbeschrijving zie Vol I
Ad Limina Vol XI
Titelbeschrijving zie Vol I
Ad Limina Vol X
Titelbeschrijving zie Vol I
Ad Limina Vol IX
Tttelbeschrijving zie Vol I
Ad Limina Vol III
Titelbeschrijving zie Vol I
Ad Limia Vol II
Titelbeschrijving zie Vol I
Ad Limina Vol I
Ad Limina is an annual research journal published by the S.A. de Xestión do Plan Xacobeo, open to studies on the Camino de Santiago and, by extension, to the whole phenomenon of pilgrimages. The magazine has a multilingual profile which accepts and publishes texts in the major languages of the European Community. It has a […]